Training & Professional Development Events

AMP Works

Blah, blah, blah - Strategies for balancing efficiency with relationship building in appointments

S326 (SunTrust), Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

Advisor Mastery Program (AMP) Workshops

These workshops will focus primarily on advisor skill-building and knowledge-building. Potential topics include:

  • Technical/Software/Administrative skills (Excel, TEAMS, ARGOS, reading high school transcripts, etc.)
  • Advising approaches and best practices
  • Legal/Ethical issues in advising
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Workshops will be offered twice a month, and will generally be worth 1 point (unless otherwise stated). Workshops will vary in terms of being offered in-person or via zoom.

More Details

Joya Konieczny, Texas State University, will demostrate how to effectively set an appointment agenda that meets both your needs as an advisor while also addressing the needs/quesitons of the student. We've all had a student who completely derailed the entire appointment conversation. During the session, we will also learn appropriate ways to redirect the conversation to ensure the appointment is productive while allowing the student a chance to talk. Join us for this fun and interactive 2.5 hour workshop.

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