Training & Professional Development Events

AMP Works

AMP Works - MTOneStop Information Session and Open House

Tour Room, Student Services & Admissions Center (SSAC)

Advisor Mastery Program (AMP) Workshops

These workshops will focus primarily on advisor skill-building and knowledge-building. Potential topics include:

  • Technical/Software/Administrative skills (Excel, TEAMS, ARGOS, reading high school transcripts, etc.)
  • Advising approaches and best practices
  • Legal/Ethical issues in advising
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Workshops will be offered twice a month, and will generally be worth 1 point (unless otherwise stated). Workshops will vary in terms of being offered in-person or via zoom.

More Details

We invite you to attend this information session to learn more about the One Stop and how we help students-- with so many new staff across campus, we wanted to provide an overview of MT One Stop, what we do versus what we don't, answer questions from campus, and give everyone a chance to check out our space. Our goal is to provide you with the tools needed to assist your students holistically. There will be a Q & A afterwards, followed by a guided campus tour and tour of the MT One Stop for those interested.

Location: SSAC Tour Room

Registration closed