Training & Professional Development Events

AMP Works

AMP Works - Who Defines Student Success

149, College of Education Building (COE)

Advisor Mastery Program (AMP) Workshops

These workshops will focus primarily on advisor skill-building and knowledge-building. Potential topics include:

  • Technical/Software/Administrative skills (Excel, TEAMS, ARGOS, reading high school transcripts, etc.)
  • Advising approaches and best practices
  • Legal/Ethical issues in advising
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Workshops will be offered twice a month, and will generally be worth 1 point (unless otherwise stated). Workshops will vary in terms of being offered in-person or via zoom.

More Details

Who defines student success?  In many locales funding is based on completion rates (i.e., student retention, persistence, and graduation rates). While campus conversations surrounding these issues often include the term ‘student success’ few discussions focus on who defines the term.

Your AMP Works committee will start the conversation regarding the myriad of issues surrounding how students, advisors, and an institution define student success. Strategies will be shared that will help advisors balance the various definitions and often competing expectations for success.    

This workshop will be held in-person, location COE 149.

Registration closed