Training & Professional Development Events


Developing Highly-Motivated Student Staff through Career Development

S326 (SunTrust), Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)

More Details

Want to better support your students, while increasing their motivation to go above and beyond? The key is career/professional development.

About this Event

Who is this intended for?

This workshop is designed to helped anyone who might be in a position of supervising, advising, or mentoring students. It can also be beneficial for those who oversee departments and supervise those students' supervisors.


Why Attend?

Imagine if your students knew that they were guaranteed jobs, internships, entrepreneurial endeavors, or grad school admissions after working with you.

Think of the possibilities...

  • Make your job easier!
  • More engaged students
  • Higher "customer" satisfaction
  • Increased team support & collaboration
  • Less disciplinary / employee documentation issues
  • Attraction of top student talent for future staffs/teams

If this sounds appealing, join us to learn several tangible strategies and takeaways to begin implementing with your students.


What Will Be Covered?

  • The research...just a little bit ;)
  • Creating a staff development strategic plan
  • 1-on-1 Meeting Activities & Performance evaluation strategies
  • Team Meeting Activities
  • Additional career growth duties & expectations

Registration closed