We are Not OK: Black Faculty Experiences and Higher Education Strategies (FBG)

Spring 2023 | Meeting 3 of 4


More Details

Dear Faculty,


You are invited to join a group of colleagues who will be reading and discussing the book We are Not OK: Black Faculty Experiences and Higher Education Strategies, edited by Antija M. Allen and Justin T. Stewart.

The publisher’s website describes the book as follows:

In the United States, only 6% of the 1.5 million faculty in degree-granting postsecondary institutions is Black. Research shows that, while many institutions tout the idea of diversity recruitment, not much progress has been made to diversify faculty ranks, especially at research-intensive institutions. We're Not Ok shares the experiences of Black faculty to take the reader on a journey, from the obstacles of landing a full-time faculty position through the unique struggles of being a Black educator at a predominantly white institution, along with how these deterrents impact inclusion, retention, and mental health. The book provides practical strategies and recommendations for graduate students, faculty, staff, and administrators, along with changemakers, to make strides in diversity, equity, and inclusion. More than a presentation of statistics and anecdotes, it is the start of a dialogue with the intent of ushering actual change that can benefit Black and [non-Black] faculty, their students, and their institutions.
The group will be facilitated by Renee Jones and Karynne Turner and will meet four times via Zoom:
February 8, February 15, March 1, March 22
10-11 AM
Zoom meetings

Each participant will be provided with a copy of the book in advance of the first meeting.

Participation is limited; if you are interested in joining the group, please register as soon as possible.

Want to propose a workshop topic related to teaching and professional development? Please share your genius with us and fill out the LT&ITC workshop proposal form. We're looking for a variety of interesting and diverse topics -- please help! 

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on planned workshops, special events, and faculty book groups as well as highlighted articles that may be of interest to you.

If you're unable to attend a scheduled workshop, we typically record them and make them available via our YouTube channel.

Workshop registration and attendance information for inclusion in your tenure and promotion materials can be accessed directly via the university's workshop registration system.

If you're looking for some just-in-time training or want to dig a little deeper into a specific topic of interest, MTSU subscribes to both Teaching Professor ("reflects the changing needs of today's college faculty and the students they teach") and Academic Leader ("reflects the evolving needs of academic deans, department chairs and heads, program directors, and others with leadership responsibilities") online publications. If attempting to access either publication off-campus, you'll be asked to enter your MTSU credentials.

If you have an idea for a potential future workshop, please feel free to send your suggestions to Dr. Lando Carter.