School of Nursing Simulation Labs
MTSU School of Nursing has multiple simulation labs to provide a variety of learning opportunities for students in each semester of the nursing program. Simulation provides the students a non-threatening learning environment where they can practice nursing skills and improve clinical judgement.
Simulation imitates the operation of real-life nursing with the use of mannequins or standardized patients. These activities facilitate learning and model key behaviors that nursing students need to develop over the nursing program. The students are exposed to many conditions or scenarios that take place in the health care setting. The level of the simulation is based on the semester of the students.
Simulation experiences range from traditional scenarios, escape rooms, avatar based clinical situations and traditional scenarios that mimic the acute care enivornment.
Meet the Simulation Coordinator
Simulation Resources
State and National simulation resources are available to students and faculty in the nursing program including:
- International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning
- Society for Clinical Simulation in Healthcare
- Tennessee Interprofessional Practice and Education Consortium
- Tennessee Simulation Alliance