General Education English Administrators


Dr. Christopher Weedman has nearly twenty years of experience teaching film studies, literature, and first-year writing courses at the university level. In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in film studies at MTSU, he regularly teaches an ENGL 2020 special topics course on British literature, film, and culture of “The Swinging Sixties” as part of the General Education English curriculum. Dr. Weedman is co-editor of the scholarly collections Adult Themes: British Cinema and the X Certificate in the Long 1960s (Bloomsbury, 2023) and Liminal Noir in Classical World Cinema (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). His scholarship has also appeared in such journals as Film InternationalJewish Film and New MediaJournal of Cinema and Media StudiesQuarterly Review of Film and Video, and Senses of Cinema, as well as multiple edited collections. You can find additional information about Dr. Weedman on his English Department faculty profile.

Program Coordinator

Alyson Muenzer Lynn has been teaching sections of ENGL 1010, 1020, and 2030 at MTSU for twenty-four years. Her experiences have shown her that teaching is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, for students are diverse in every way imaginable. And, every single student deserves a voice. Her teaching awards include English Department FTT of the Year (2018), John T. Bragg, Sr. Distinguished Service Award (2019), and Outstanding Teacher of the Year (2022). Aside from course instruction, Alyson frequently mentors GTAs, assists in the planning of important department events, and conducts yearly observations for the department's Dual Enrollment instructors. As Gen Ed English Program Coordinator, Alyson looks forward to further serving her department, her students, and the rest of her MTSU community.

Program Assistants

Nich Krause joined the Ph.D. program at MTSU in the Fall of 2020. He was born and raised in the mountainous terrain of Colorado, where he received both his B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy at Colorado State University. Nich is a graduate student instructor who spends much of his time expanding his mind in his primary areas of research, which include film theory, feminist pragmatism, and 20th-century American literature. 

Caroline LaPlue joined the English Ph.D. program at MTSU in 2021. She received her M.A. from Aberystwyth University in Wales, and has taught English at the high school and collegiate levels. She serves as a graduate student instructor at MTSU and teaches courses in first-year writing. Caroline’s research interests include Victorian literature and composition theory and pedagogy.

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Contact Information

General Education English Director:

Dr. Christopher Weedman
Peck Hall 324

(615) 898-2579