Harold Love Outstanding Community Service Award

Community service recognition programs for higher education students and faculty/staff at the campus level were created in Tennessee through legislation enacted by the General Assembly in 1991. In 1997, the awards were named for the late Representative Harold Love, who was instrumental in passing the enabling legislation. The Tennessee Higher Education Commission was given the charge to develop rules and regulations by which to implement these programs for public and private two and four-year postsecondary institutions across the state. A selection committee of institutional and board representatives is convened each year to review each nomination submitted by the campuses and to select the five student and five faculty/staff recipients.

The individuals selected to receive recognition represent the many dimensions of community service/volunteer work, public service, charitable service, and leadership roles in community organizations. The award recipients serve as ambassadors for community service among the diverse higher education communities in Tennessee. Each recipient will receive a $1,000 cash prize.​

2024 Certain, Elliot Social Work
2023 Little, Dimend Internatonal Relations
2022 Torres, Cynthia Psychology
2021 Rempis, Miura History and Political Science
2020 Morin, Gabriella Biology and Foreign Language
2019 Laffely, Gareth Marketing
2018 Owen, Robert Biology
2016 Madigan, Chloe English
2015 Paul, Erin Interdiscplinary Studies
2014 Martin, Tandra International Relations