Social Justice Minor

Social Justice Minor

Sociology and Anthropology
Ashleigh McKinzie

The Social Justice minor consists of 18 credit hours including 9 hours of required courses and 9 hours of guided electives.

Required Courses (9 hours)

  • SOC 2010 - Social Problems  3 credit hours  

    SOC 2010 - Social Problems

    3 credit hours

    A survey of issues defined as problems by society; examines programs and agencies that address them. Problems addressed include poverty, crime, environment, energy, health, etc.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • SOC 3511 - Social Justice  3 credit hours  

    SOC 3511 - Social Justice

    3 credit hours

    Analyzes social justice from a sociological perspective. Examines social justice from Marxist and feminist perspectives, critical race theory, theories of democracy, and action-oriented solutions. Engages social justice in housing, the criminal justice system, the media, the environment, and government.

  • SOC 4511 - Social Movements and Social Change

    3 credit hours

    Study of the major sociological theories of revolutions, rebellions, civil wars, and protest movements of the past and present and their relationship to significant social changes.

Guided Electives (9 hours)

  • SOC 3152 - Sociology of Sex/ualities

    3 credit hours

    Examines sexuality, reproduction, and sexual education from a sociological viewpoint.

  • SOC 3210 - Drugs in Society  3 credit hours  

    SOC 3210 - Drugs in Society

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: SOC 1010, SOC 2010, or permission of instructor. Sociological, historical, political-economic, and cultural dimensions of drugs and alcohol in society.

  • SOC 3300 - Diversity in the Workplace

    3 credit hours

    Covers various aspects of organizational diversity, focusing primarily on the United States. Explores current patterns of social inequality in the workplace with a specific emphasis on gender, race/ethnicity, age, and family arrangements. Focuses on the link between these social patterns and workforce diversity.

  • SOC 3400 - Gender and Society

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: SOC 1010, SOC 2010, or WGST 2100. A sociohistorical and cultural exploration of the socialization patterns, relationships, expectations, influences, organizational, institutional, and aging experiences of women and men in American society.

  • SOC 4011 - Social Inequality  3 credit hours  

    SOC 4011 - Social Inequality

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: SOC 1010 or SOC 2010. The origins, variations, and consequences of class, status, and power in society. Individual and group economic interests, social prestige, ideology, market and institutional inequality.

  • SOC 4040 - Health Care Delivery Issues

    3 credit hours

    Sociological analysis of health care delivery and major issues facing providers, patients, and citizens in the twenty-first century, from the level of social interaction through the broader structures of health care systems and policies. Includes sociological approaches to health and medicine, health care institutions, insurance and reimbursement structures, and vulnerable populations, along with future issues and directions in U.S. health care delivery.

  • SOC 4140 - Violence in the Family

    3 credit hours

    (Same as CDFS 4140.) The causes, dynamics, and consequences of violence in the family. Includes a discussion of violence toward children, spouses, dating partners, siblings, and elders. Emphasizes the social conditions that lead to these types of violence.

  • SOC 4151 - Topics in Social Justice

    3 credit hours

    An in-depth study of a special topic in the sociology of social justice. Interested students should contact the instructor for specifics.

  • SOC 4240 - Race and Ethnic Relations

    3 credit hours

    (Same as AAS 4240 and AST 4240.) The dynamics of race and ethnic relations in the United States from a socio historic perspective.

  • SOC 4361 - Contemporary Issues in Women's Health

    3 credit hours

    Examines the social and cultural issues that shape women's health-related experiences and disparities in health and illness in contemporary culture. Critically analyzes problems associated with medicalization, technological favoritism, and for-profit intrusion. Explores issues and experiences among women by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic class, age, sexual orientation, and abilities.

  • SOC 4540 - Juvenile Delinquency

    3 credit hours

    Social factors related to delinquency including family, peer-group, school, and community. Includes juvenile justice system and its agents.

  • SOC 4660 - Urban and Community Studies

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: SOC 1010 or SOC 2010. Focuses on the concept of community as a core idea in the historical development of sociology, concentrating on theories and historical trends of urbanization and current urban problems and policies.

  • SOC 4800 - Special Projects  1 to 6 credit hours  

    SOC 4800 - Special Projects

    1 to 6 credit hours

    Field experiences or reading courses through which special interests or needs of the student may be pursued under individual supervision. Arrangements must be made with an instructor prior to registration.

  • SOC 4900 - Sociology Internship  3 to 6 credit hours  

    SOC 4900 - Sociology Internship

    3 to 6 credit hours

    Supervised independent study in which student is placed in an organization on a contractual basis as a means of applying the principles of student training in preparation for eventual employment. Arrangements should be made with the intern supervisor prior to registration.


One related course outside of Sociology may be substituted with advisor's approval