MTSU Risk Philosophy

MTSU's Risk Philosophy balances enterprise risk management with strategic planning and compliance programming in which the University's Board of Trustees (BOT), Executive Leadership, Faculty, administrators, and staff are engaged.  While elements of risk are inherent in any organization's operation, MTSU believes that early risk identification, regular risk assessment, mitigation strategies, compliance planning, and continuous improvement are among the hallmarks of successful business continuity; sustainability; academic and research innovation; student success; financial integrity and transparency; and data protection. 

The University's integrated risk management activities and Compliance Plan additionally helps to promote MTSU's community standards and mission of providing a student-centered, culturally rich, innovative, relevant, and experiential learning environment for both undergraduate and graduate students.  The University's internal control system, policies, and procedures are regularly reviewed and adjusted, as needed, based on regulatory changes, operational and fiscal needs, state and federal emergencies, and global health issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

While not an exhaustive list, MTSU's risk management and compliance program activities include:

  • annual risk assessments;
  • internal audit review;
  • conflict of interest management;
  • student educational records privacy;
  • ethics training;
  • insurance management; and
  • educational training and communication on various compliance topics to combat, fraud, waste, and abuse of State resources.

MTSU's Risk Philosophy is reviewed annually by the Enterprise Compliance and Risk Management Committee, which is comprised of operational, academic, student affairs, and Faculty leadership.  For additional information regarding MTSU's Risk Philosophy, risk management activities, or compliance program, please contact