Construction Zone

Facilities Services Construction Administration is responsible for overseeing the capital construction on campus.  Major renovations and additions as well as new construction, parking lots and road work are handled by this group.  These projects can result in road and parking lot closings and restricted walkways around the construction sites.  Prior to any type of closing, the campus community will be notified through subscriber email.  Below is a list of current construction projects taking place across the Middle Tennessee State University campus.

Applied Engineering Building

March 2024

Design & construction of a new center for the Applied Engineering Building. Demolition of Voorhies.

Multiple Bldgs. Mechanical & Controls Updates

July 2024

Identify & replace existing mechanical equipment that has exceeded service.

Student Athlete Center

January 2025

New Student Athlete Performance Center Building, site improvements.

Campus Wide Lighting & Lighting Controls

May 2024

Campus wide modifications to interior & exterior lighting & lighting control systems.

Campus Wide Access Control & Security Updates

February 2024

Update campus access control & security systems, hardware, software, and system components.

Athletic Video Board Upgrades

May 2024

Replace video boards, related audio systems and control boards at Floyd Stadium and Murphy Center.

KOM & Rutledge Hall Renovations

September 2026

Extensive renovations to both buildings. Demo of Midgett Building.

Multiple Bldgs Elevator Modernization Phase 1&2

March 2024

Modernization of elevators in multiple buildings which include Peck Hall, James Walker Library, KUC, and the Nursing building.