Grounds and Services, part of the Facilities Service team is responsible for the raising and lowering of the flag each day.
MTSU honors and pays tribute to individuals and organization by flying flags at half-staff as directed by the governing body as a symbol of respect or mourning. The tradition of flying the flag at half-mast began in the 17th century. When hoisting a flag that is to be displayed at half-mast, it should be hoisted to the finial for an instant, then lowered to half-mast. When the flag is lowered at the end of the day, it is to be hoisted to the finial for an instant, and then lowered.
MTSU proudly flies four (4) flags on our campus.
• The national flag. The national flag is lowered by proclamation of the President
of the United States
• Tennessee State flag and the Rutherford County flag. The command to lower these
are issued by the governor
• The MTSU flag is lowered to half-staff at the direction of the University President