Custodial Services
Custodial Services proudly provide routine cleaning and specific maintenance services, at nationally recognized levels, at both our main campus and off-campus facilities. We recognize the importance of a clean campus which supports a good learning and working environment, as well as an enjoyable environment for our students, visitors and the overall community. Campus cleaning services are performed by both Facilities Services Custodial Services and our contractor, SSC Service Solutions.
Emergency Custodial Requests
Custodial Services is responsible for providing clean-up services, and overseeing restoration services, in response to emergency situations, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, For assistance, contact:
During Regular Work Hours: Work Orders Department—615-898-2308
Evening Hours, Weekends & Holidays: Central Plant—615-898-2434
Custodial emergencies requiring service can vary by building. Our emergency response activities aim to protect human and animal life, and to stop (or significantly reduce) any immediate damage to facilities. Examples include: floods, steam leaks, and other situations that may adversely affect human life or critical building equipment.
Routine/Standard Custodial Services
Custodial Services is responsible for routine cleaning of interior building areas, including, but not limited to, classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, conference rooms, offices, and public areas (i.e., restrooms, lobbies, hallways and stairwells). Services are performed according to Cleaning Standards and Frequencies.
Non-Routine/Billable Custodial Service
Any request or activity outside the scope of routine custodial services will be billed directly to the requesting department/account number. Examples of billable services include: carpet cleaning, floor refinishing, and supporting special events.
All custodial services requests are to be made through the Facilities Services Work Orders Department.
Quality Assurance
Facilities Services maintains a Quality Assurance Program that provides support to campus Custodial Services. This program includes inspections of facilities to ensure the Cleaning Standards are being met from both a frequency and quality standpoint. In addition, customer service is important, as cleaning concerns, special requests, questions and service feedback is welcomed by Facilities Services. Any concerns or questions should be sent to Brenda Wunder at or at 615-898-2309.
Custodial Cleaning Standards and Frequencies (05/2024) Custodial Building Directory (as of May 2024) Office Cleaning Schedule Custodial Work Request Form Labor Rates for Estimating WorkCustodial Services Contact Information
Facilities Services Custodial
Nirza Giraldo, Custodial Supervisor 615-904-8432
SSC Service Solutions, Custodial Contractor
Brian Addington, Unit Director 615-426-0939 (cell) 615-904-8195 (office)
Gabe Veronda, Office Manager 615-904-8195 (office)
Quality Assurance (Concerns, Questions, Feedback)
Brenda Wunder, Manager, Facilities Services 615-898-2309 (office) 615-330-1207 (cell)